百家樂的禁忌可以追溯到百家樂遊戲的起源。 這是一款源自15世紀的賭博遊戲,有著相當悠久的歷史。 最著名的起源是由義大利人 Felix Falguierein 發明的。 最早的百家樂遊戲所使用的牌不是撲克牌,而是塔羅牌。 百家樂中的「九點」代表了古代宗教中的「九神」。 如果投出九分,就會有一個不錯的結果。 如果不到六點,就會有緣分。
這種起源使得百家樂比其他娛樂遊戲更有神祕的命運感。 百家樂前輩和經驗豐富的百家樂司機也在玩的過程中悄悄發現並傳播了一些百家樂的禁忌和百家樂賺錢的方法。 我只能說,信徒永遠相信。 百家樂禁忌是根據前輩的經驗,也是玩家之間的一種統計。 有很大的參考價值,不要太死板!

There is no strict upper limit for the number of people betting on baccarat. In addition to the casino providing seats for 9 people (small table) or 14 people (big table, 7 people on each side of the arc), people standing nearby can also participate in betting freely. However, when the bets of both the banker and the player exceed the red limit of the gaming table, the dealer will count the bets of the banker, player, pair and betting area (commonly known as counting red) before dealing the cards to indicate If the limit amount of the table is exceeded (the limit amount is indicated on each gaming table), the game will start only after the customer reduces the bet to within the limit amount. In addition to setting the maximum limit, each gaming table also has a minimum bet amount.
If the player thinks that the banker and player have the same number of points and cannot tell the winner, they can bet on a tie; if the player thinks that either the banker or the player (or both at the same time) will be dealt a pair of cards, For example, if there are two 3s or two queens, you can bet on a pair, and there is no limit. (Although any two cards composed of 10 and J, Q, or K, or J, Q, and K are all counted as 0 points, but does not count as a pair). (資料來源)

逆龍的意思是,即使知道現在的整體局勢是這樣的,但還是想賭點別的。 如果你無法改掉這樣的壞習慣,或者你無法克服想要與龍搏鬥的感覺,那麼建議你去淘金娛樂城選擇其他更多樣化的遊戲,比如老虎機、彩票等。
所謂負追,就是當你賭500塊輸了的時候,你就會著急,認為我把賭注加到1000、2000。 如果我贏了,我就能把之前的損失全部賺回來。 如果你有這樣的心態,那真是賭場裡的大忌,因為你不僅無法控制自己的情緒,而且很容易輸掉所有的財富!
百家樂贏錢很容易,但重點不在於你贏了多少,而在於你輸了多少以及你能控制多少情緒。 所以,下注籌碼要看一切。 切忌盲目大小賭注隨機,否則很有可能小賭贏錢,大賭輸錢。 這種情況出現幾次之後,無論一個人多麼理性,每個人都會失去理智,變得瘋狂。

既然您了解了百家樂的禁忌和幸運技巧,您想在網路百家樂和真人百家樂中賺更多的錢嗎? 大老爺賭場整理了很多百家樂攻略,了解百家樂技巧和百家樂玩法絕對會讓你如虎添翼,即使在百家樂數錢時手抽筋,新手朋友不懂百家樂玩法規則也不會害怕。